Политика возврата

We do extensive quality checks before the parcels leave our warehouse however, in some cases your parcel may arrive damaged. If your order has arrived damaged and you would like to request compensation*, please email customerservices@barycat.com (within 14 days of purchase) with your full name, order number and photographic evidence clearly showing: full external packaging, full internal Packaging, cargo parcel label on the box, damage to the box and product and a full image of the product. All requirements must be provided in order to proceed.

If your order has not arrived and you require a replacement, please email customerservices@barycat.com (within 28 days of purchase) with your name and order number.

If you have amended your delivery instructions with cargo after your order has been shipped, liability for the parcel will transfer to the recipient, in accordance with cargo’s delivery policy.

If you wish to return or exchange an unopened item, products must be securely shipped in an outer packaging (cardboard box) to: BaryCat, 1675 S. Orange Blossom Trail Apopka, FL 32703. If the items arrive damaged you will not be entitled to a full refund and we do not provide prepaid return labels, you are responsible for covering shipping costs to return.

*We provide compensation proportionate to the damage/litter lost and if you are eligible for a refund, this will be with you within 3-5 working days once processed.
